
With a modern unit and specialized knowledge, we cover all the needs of the cardiology patient.

Dr. Panagiotis Koudounis

Cardiologist - Arrhythmiologist
Παναγιώτης Κουδούνης Καρδιολός - Αρρυθμιολόγος Αθήνα - Ιατρείο 1

Private Cardiology Clinic

4, Porto Rafti Ave., Markopoulo

Athens Heart Center - Paleo Faliro Clinic

36, Areos str., Paleo Faliro


Private Clinic

(+30) 22990 25815
16:00 - 21:00
(+30) 694 426 7872
16:00 - 21:00 και emergencies

Paleo Faliro Clinic

(+30) 210 989 2482
Monday to Friday:
08:00 - 16:00

Contact Form

You can make an appointment or contact the doctor about your heart issue by using this form

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